A powerful tool for income-focussed investors

As one of Australia’s leading boutique investment manager and non-bank lender, Zagga’s objective is to generate high-yielding,
alternative income solutions through the funding of high-quality loan transactions in the Commercial Real Estate Debt (CRED) sector.

CRED's increasing attractiveness as an asset class

Providing stable, risk-adjusted returns with debt security, the CRED market is estimated at $450bn and growing at c. 2 – 5% p.a. underpinned by attractive fundamentals centred on urbanization and population expansion.

Research rating and report

Zagga, a fully licensed boutique, non-bank lender and investment manager, has confirmed that independent research house, SQM Research (SQM) has awarded a 4-star ‘Superior’ (Investment Grade) rating for the Zagga Investments Lending Trust (ZILT), for the fourth year running.

The rating contained in this document is issued by SQM Research Pty Ltd ABN 93 122 592 036 AFSL 421913. SQM Research is an investment research firm that undertakes research on investment products exclusively for its wholesale clients, utilising a proprietary review and star rating system. The SQM Research star rating system is of a general nature and does not take into account the particular circumstances or needs of any specific person. The rating may be subject to change at any time. Only licensed financial advisers may use the SQM Research star rating system in determining whether an investment is appropriate to a person’s particular circumstances or needs. You should read the product disclosure statement and consult a licensed financial adviser before making an investment decision in relation to this investment product. SQM Research receives a fee from the Fund Manager for the research and rating of the managed investment scheme.

With investors facing a storm of volatile pricing, and residential property yields compressed by high purchase prices, what alternatives are there?

Our newest white paper delves into the dynamics of the fast-growing private lending market, and what’s driving it.

Founded in


More than

$ 0 Bn


More than



Loss history of

$ 0

for investors




Investment rating

x 0

More than




0 Yrs

combined experience

100% capital returned

We have originated over $ 1 billion of Australia CRED across more than 200 transactions and have currently projected FY2023 originations to be in excess of $400 million.



Comparing investment options

  • Self-selection from available opportunities
  • Variable investor returns based on changes to OCR
  • Commitments made via our Platform
  • Investor Memorandum provided for each option
  • Fractionalised investment – funds not pooled
  • Minimum investment $100,000 AUD
  • Diversification through disciplined and meticulous curated mix of loans
  • Interest earned from very first date of investment
  • Fund (ZFF) holds 5% liquidity buffer
  • Minimum investment from $100,000 AUD
  • Choice of Fund

Benefits of investing in CRED

Zagga launches the Zagga CRED Fund,
offering another CREDible alternative for advisors

The Zagga CRED Fund (ZCF) is a wholesale fund that aims to provide investors with an attractive rate of return and
regular, risk-adjusted income by investing in a specifically curated portfolio of credit-vetted, mortgage-secured loans.

Alternative investment opportunities

As one of Australia’s leading boutique investment manager and non-bank lender, Zagga’s objective is to generate high-yielding, alternative income solutions through the funding of high-quality loan transactions in the Commercial Real Estate Debt (CRED) sector.

Why Zagga?

Every approved loan transaction that we make available as an investment opportunity is presented with a detailed Information Memorandum. 

Here are some recent high-yielding, alternative investment opportunities we have facilitated for our investors.

Case study: Land loan
Real Estate Sector: Land Banking
Location: Campbell Pde, Bondi Beach NSW
Purpose: Land acquisition while the Sponsors undertake preparation for a future development at the site.
Facility Size:
Loan To Valuation Ratio: 65% 'As-Is' of current market value
Term: 12 months
Case study: Development
Real Estate Sector: Subdivision / Development
Location: Austral NSW
Purpose: Refinance and purchase of land lots for future subdivision and development.
Facility Size: $16,080,000
Loan To Valuation Ratio: 60%
Term: 18 months
Case study: Commercial
Real Estate Sector: Commercial
Location: Silverdale Rd, Silverdale NSW
Purpose: Provision of funds for redevelopment of Silverdale shopping centre on a cost to complete basis
Facility Size: $36,245,037
Loan To Valuation Ratio: 52.65% of Net Realisation Value
Term: 15 months

Visit our Funding Showcase page to see more of our recent loan transactions.

Partnership . Trust . Relationship

The pillars on which our reputation is built.

Your Zagga representatives

Erica Geddes
Senior Executive, Investments & Funding

Matt Harper
Senior Executive, Investments & Funding

Stefan Mekertichian
Executive, Investments & Funding

Anthony Lewis
Senior Advisor, Victoria

Incorporated in 2016, the Zagga team, consisting of close to 20 people, has over 200 years’ combined experience covering the areas of:

  • Treasury and Finance Distribution
  • Marketing and Business Development
  • Credit and Operations

We are experienced professionals with a diverse range of professional backgrounds and are currently enjoying a period of growth and expansion in the team.

Zagga’s Economist ‘in residence’

Introducing Stephen Koukoulas, a renowned economist, past Chief Economist of Citibank and Senior Economic Advisor to the Prime Minister, as our economist ‘in residence’.

His expertise in macroeconomic analysis, financial markets and public policy has been invaluable in ensuring we provide accurate and insightful commentary on the latest economic developments.

Watch Stephen Koukoulas’s latest video, ‘Two Minutes for Zagga’, or head to our Market Outlook page to read monthly articles and updates.

We’re helping our borrowers bring projects to fruition whilst also providing investors with attractive returns.
Visit our full website to find out more.


Have questions on how it all works? Have a read through the FAQs below, and if your question isn’t answered, 

we’d love to speak to you, so please get in touch.

Look here.

Banking sector structures and regulatory intervention over the past 10 years have created a funding gap as the major banks have been unable to meet the needs of quality borrowers.

The major banks tend to have more rigid lending criteria due to:

  1. Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) regulation that restricts their ability to provide flexibility on their loan terms, and therefore may not always be able to meet a borrower’s specific requirements.
  2. Basel III regulatory framework reforms (which required banks to maintain certain leverage ratios and keep certain levels of reserve capital on hand). This resulted in Australian major banks withdrawing further from commercial real estate (CRE) debt as they focused on other parts of their funding operations (e.g. residential mortgages). Whilst major banks are still funding CRE transactions, it has been far more suppressed and on more restrictive terms.

This tightening by major banks means quality bank clients are seeking alternative funding solutions as they require offer more flexible lending criteria, faster turnaround times, and bespoke solutions.

At Zagga, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each borrower and deliver a commercial, flexible, and responsive outcome, whilst always maintaining our rigorous and thorough assessment of the loan.

Download our Capability Statement here.

Market dynamics indicate that the Australian CRED market is on a growth trajectory. The Australian CRED market is estimated at $450bn and growing at c.2 – 5%p.a. underpinned by attractive fundamentals centred on urbanization and population expansion.

The two key driving forces behind Australian CRED growth are:

  1. Further regulatory pressures on the major banks leading to structural dislocation in their lending capacity and practices. This is projected to reduce major banks’ share of CRED from the current ~80% to ~60% by 2025 due to their inability to provide best service to their clients.
  2. Population growth underpinning continued demand for housing as well as industrial growth as new, larger facilities are being built to accommodate the growth of e-commerce.

Zagga’s latest white paper
explains how commercial real estate debt (CRED) can tap into the current market conditions.

Similar to our Investor base, our roster of Borrowers has grown steadily through personal relationships and word of mouth, with our track record allowing this to continue to occur organically.

Over 40% of Zagga’s loans come from repeat borrowers.

Zagga may also originate loans from commercial brokers, accountants, lawyers, quantity surveyors, and consultants within the property industry.

Each loan we fund is supported by a clear and achievable ‘exit strategy’, typically including at least one or two alternative exits.

Given the largest allocation of our portfolio relates to residential construction, a number of our facilities are self-liquidating, meaning at completion we are either cleared by sales on the project, or a refinance from a major banking institution.

In other circumstances, the loan may have a clear exit strategy in place, such as, a cash event from an external matter, or an uplift in planning due to development approval that takes out our facility.

We always want to ensure we are working on worst case scenarios in order to be comfortable going into any new transactions.

All portfolio numbers quoted correct as at 30 June 2024.

*Average investor return across the active portfolio as at 30 June 2024.
**Target return is after expenses and before fees for the year ending 30 June 2024.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and investments are subject to investment risk, fees and costs. Returns are not guaranteed.
Prospective investors wishing to invest in a Zagga Fund should fully consider the ZFF Fact Sheet and ZWF Brochure, available from Zagga, before applying to invest. Rates are based on the Zagga CAS score and returns are subject to risks.
Zagga Market Pty Limited (Australian Credit Licence 490904) ACN 611 662 401 acts as the Servicer of loans acting on behalf of the credit provider, Zagga Investments Pty Limited (AFSL 492354) ACN 615 154 786, trustee of the Zagga Investments Lending Trust.